It’s nesting season for the birds.

When I stumble upon a bird’s nest I’m always fascinated by how it’s constructed. Today, in fact, when Steve and I were out running errands we saw loads of barn swallows building nests on a building. We stopped and wikiSteve (that’s what I call him because he seems to know everything) explained how they spit out little pellets of mud to make their nest. (And wouldn’t that have been swell if I actually had a picture of one here, but I don’t. I didn’t have my camera with me at the time.)

I’m not a nest collector, even if the nest has been abandoned. I don’t believe in that. I find nests a little sacred because I consider my own home a little sacred. But I love taking photos of nests. And hey, they don’t move around like warblers and other birds that flit about, so I actually find great joy in having a subject that stays still.

Here are my favorite nests and some of the nest builders. (Click on each photo to enlarge. You’ll find great detail when you do that.)

Warbler’s nest (Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario Canada)

Common Tody Flycatcher nest (Panama)

Common Tody Flycatcher with nest material (Panama)

Another shot of the Common Tody Flycatcher with nest material (Panama)

White-fronted Parrots and a Pale-billed woodpecker fighting over a nest hole. (Belize)

To read the story about who won the battle over the nest hole see my previous post, House wars: Pale-billed Woodpecker vs. White-fronted Parrots.

Anyone know who this nest might belong to? We’re not sure, ourselves. (Panama)

Bay-breasted Warbler with nest material, but this is an immature male in Panama. Not sure why he’s building a nest if he’s migrating. Perhaps practicing?

Casique nest (Panama)

Scarlet-rumped Casique nest (Panama)

Here’s a good look at the Scarlet-rumped Casique.

Olivaceous Flatbill with nest material. (Panama)

Montezuma Oropendola nests (Guatemala)

…and here’s what the Montezuma Oropendola looks like. (Guatemala)

Rufescent Tiger Heron collecting nest material. (Panama)

Dove nest – species unknown (Panama)

Great Horned Owl nest with Owlet (Garr Ranch, Antelope Island, Utah)

Great Horned Owl nest box (at Buffalo Paddock hay barn, Antelope Island)