A Warbler Conspiracy

It was April 2010 when Steve and I were canoeing down the Macal River in Belize and where I saw my first Prothonotary Warbler. Eric, our guide, excitedly pointed out the colorful yellow bird to us. Now fast forward to the following Spring–May, to be exact–where I saw my second Prothonotary Warbler at Point Pelee in Ontario Canada.

So this means, the little yellow bird flies roughly 5,000 miles each way when migrating. Me? Well I probably take the elevator at work far more often than I should instead of taking the stairs. I’m too lazy to be a Warbler, I suppose.

Maybe that’s why Warblers have conspired against me. You see, they’re the least cooperative of birds (even moreso than hummingbirds!) when I’m trying to take their photo. They flit around dense leaves so much I can hardly get a shot. Most often, I just give up. The one thing I lack that most really good birders have is patience. (Just ask my husband, the real birder in the family.)

Sigh. I’m working on it. I promise.

Right now we have a resident Yellow Warbler in our backyard. I can hear him sing, but I’ve yet to see him. Steve says he sees him all the time. Alas, the Warbler conspiracy is directed only at me.
The following photos of Warblers are those that were willing and cooperative and apparently not part of the conspiracy. I hope I haven’t outed them here.

Magnolia Warbler – Tikal, Guatemala (Click photo to enlarge)

Bay breasted warbler immature – Cerro Punta, Panama (Click photo to enlarge)

Slaty-throated Redstart – Cerro Punta, Panama (Click photo to enlarge)

Tenessee Warbler? Brown-capped Vireo? Hard to tell from this view – Cerro Punta, Panama (Click photo to enlarge)

Flame-throated Warbler – Cerro Punta, Panama (Click photo to enlarge)

Yellow Warbler – Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario Canada (Click photo to enlarge)

Wilsons Warbler – Cerro Punta, Panama (Click photo to enlarge)

Black and White Warbler – Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario Canada (Click photo to enlarge)

Chestnut-sided Warbler – Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario Canada (Click photo to enlarge)

Northern Parula Warbler Female – Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario Canada (Click photo to enlarge)

Northern Parula Warbler – Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario Canada (Click photo to enlarge)

American Redstart – Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario Canada (Click photo to enlarge)

Cape May Warbler (female) – Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario Canada (Click photo to enlarge)

Yellow Warbler – Point Pelee National Park, Ontario Canada (Click photo to enlarge)

Yellow-breasted Chat – Macal River, Belize (I know, not a great photo.)

Northern Waterthrush – Macal River, Belize. Another so-so photo. (Click photo to enlarge)

warblers nest (Click photo to enlarge)

Prothonotary Warbler – Macal River, Belize (Click photo to enlarge)